breakthrough coaching
for the infinite potential within

we begin

Welcome to Piñata Possible! Here, we dare to dream, to discover, to develop, and to design a life of powerful possibility. We welcome you in all your uniqueness. We honor the specialness of your story. We invite you to explore the edges of what you’ve always known and play in the space of what is emerging now. It is here, in the space in between, where all possibility can be found.

“Caminante no hay puentes, se hace puentes al andar.
(Voyager, there are no bridges. One builds them as one walks.)”
- Gloria Anzaldúa

Hello there. I’m Laura Saldivar Luna (she/her/ella), the Founder and Creator of Piñata Possible. I am a writer, a speaker, and a coach who specializes in helping humans access powerful breakthroughs in their lives and in their leadership. I am actively creating Piñata Possible to be a place where people can be fully expressed in their individual identities and generously supported in collectively sharing their gifts to positively impact the world.

I believe that human beings have limitless potential and power to access infinite possibilities. My work is dedicated to helping leaders unlock the full range of choices that are available to them, regardless of the circumstances, so that they can transform possibilities into reality.

“Transform yourself to transform the world.”
-Grace Lee Boggs

Current Coaching Offerings

  • One-on-One Coaching

    Personalized support and partnership for individuals inspired to pursue the impossible

  • Organizational Coaching

    Collaborative support and customized group learning experiences for dynamic teams

  • Community-Based Coaching

    Topic-specific workshops, courses, and curated content for enhancing personal and collective leadership

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