Decision Week

This week, I am celebrating Decision Week.

One year ago, this week, I decided and committed to bringing Piñata Possible into existence.

While the idea for Piñata Possible had been growing within me for quite some time, it was at the moment that the last day of winter turned into the first day of spring where I made the decision to commit to creating the vision in reality.

In honor of this special anniversary, I am celebrating my courage to start, my commitment to sustain, and my growth over this past year. I believe all leaders deserve, and benefit from, celebration. I hope you, too, regardless of what you feel you have accomplished or not, remember how worthy you are of celebrating yourself.

I will be spending a few days on retreat in the mountains to reflect on the journey, to reground myself in my why, to refuel my energy, and to recommit to my decision to build an extraordinary organization that makes possible life-expanding breakthroughs for human beings all around the world.

Thank you for being a part of it.


“When you decide, it’s done.”


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