
Do you ever find yourself wanting something you feel you don’t yet have? Do you dream, wish, hope, perhaps even long for a different reality than the one you are living? What feeling does this desire create within you?

I’ve had experiences where my dreams and desires fill me with great inspiration and motivation. I’ve also had experiences where my dreams and desires fill me with worry, concern, and frustration. 

The difference in experience usually occurs as a result of where I have located my dream or desire. When I perceive the desired state as outside of myself, far away, or in the distant future, it feels like a place to “get to” and produces a “finish line” effect. While sometimes, a finish line can be motivating for fueling my aligned action and sense of completion, I have found that crossing one finish line usually leads to another one popping up somewhere in the distance.

When I remember that my dreams and desires are located, and generated from, deep within myself, I remember that I can search for their presence in the here and now. A question to ask is this:

Where are the moments where this desired state is already true? 

These moments–no matter how few and far between they may feel–are powerful evidence of possibility in reality. We move from seeing what “could be” to seeing what “already is.” Once we begin recognizing these moments, our awareness expands and we are able to notice powerful evidence all around us. 

What we appreciate appreciates. The more moments we notice, the more we step into believing that the future we wanted to create is here now, unfolding before our eyes. And when we see through those eyes, there is no place to “get to,” no finish line to cross. We stand at the point of arrival and welcome toward us that which was there all along.



