The archives
Laura Saldivar Luna Laura Saldivar Luna

The archives

The rough drafts make possible the polished drafts.

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Laura Saldivar Luna Laura Saldivar Luna


The titles taken together are the story.

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Laura Saldivar Luna Laura Saldivar Luna


Here’s to living life on our own terms.

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Laura Saldivar Luna Laura Saldivar Luna


The finish line is here and now.

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Laura Saldivar Luna Laura Saldivar Luna


We choose what to practice. We practice what we choose.

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A door to acceptance
Laura Saldivar Luna Laura Saldivar Luna

A door to acceptance

When we allow and accept, we invite in the possibility of something new.

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Resourced from within
Laura Saldivar Luna Laura Saldivar Luna

Resourced from within

Sometimes, harsh and unfavorable circumstances remind us of the strength we hold within ourselves.

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Brick by brick, I build
Laura Saldivar Luna Laura Saldivar Luna

Brick by brick, I build

Achieving our vision for the future begins with choosing to be that vision in the present.

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In the unknown
Laura Saldivar Luna Laura Saldivar Luna

In the unknown

It takes courage to step into the unknown, but it’s in the unknown where infinite possibilities dwell.

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What’s missing?
Laura Saldivar Luna Laura Saldivar Luna

What’s missing?

How can we move from problem-solving to opportunity-seeking? The answer is what’s missing.

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